[LIST] 2022 Primary Teachers Recruitment Process: পর্ষদের নোটিশ অনুসারে এখন কোন কোন ক্যান্ডিডেটদের ইন্টারভিউ নেওয়া বাকি?


2022 Primary Teachers Recruitment Process: WBBPE has published notification on 29/09/2022,regarding “Recruitment of TET qualified trained candidates to the posts of Assistant Teacher in Govt. Aided/Govt. Sponsored/Junior Basic Primary Schools“. In mean while WBBPE has centrally conducted phase wise Interview/viva-voce and aptitude test. On 21/10/2022,WBBPE has published notification regarding this 2022 Primary teachers recruitment process. WBBPE has open online portal for 2022 Primary teachers recruitment process,against 11765 vacancies. To download all{including vacancy details} notice click here(from serial no 193).

On 29.09.2022,WBBPE has published a notification regarding – “Recruitment of TET qualified trained candidates to the posts of Assistant Teacher in Govt. Aided/Govt. Sponsored/Junior Basic Primary Schools” West Bengal Board of Primary Education is going to recruit TET qualified trained candidates of West Bengal seeking appointment to the posts of Assistant Teacher in Govt. Aided / Govt. Sponsored / Junior Basic Primary Schools against the State-wide position of vacancy to be declared later on.

The selection and appointment of the candidates shall be made strictly in terms of West Bengal Primary School Teachers Recruitment Rules, 2016 (amended up to date).

2022 Primary Teachers Recruitment Process

1.Reserved category-2014 & 2017 TET qualified after getting 82 marks18-05-2023 16th phaseFor 2017 Candidates yet to published*
2.B.Ed. (Special Education)18-05-2023) 16th phase
3.50% marks in post-graduation and B.Ed26-05-2023 17th phase
4.: Upper Primary Para TeachersNot yet
5.MAT 1594-2014 TET candidates claiming grant of six marks in remNot yet
6.2017 TET candidates claiming grant of additional marks for alleged wrong answer keysNot yet
7.C-TET applicants who intend to be considered in the 2022 recruitment process27-12-2022Case Pending
8. TET-2017 qualified candidates who crossed the age bar between 12/05/2017 and  27/12/202227-12-2022 & 26-05-2023 17th phase
9.More details provide soon
10.More details provide soon
* if you find any mistakes regrading this information comment in the below box.
2022 Primary Teachers Recruitment Process
2022 Primary Teachers Recruitment Process
2022 Primary Teachers Recruitment Process


Process Name The 2022 recruitment process.
Board Name WBBPE
For Primary School Teachers Recruitment
State West Bengal
Class I-V
Salary Click Here
Vacancy 11765
Vacancy notice Click Here
2014 Primary District wise Cut Off ListClick here
2022 Primary Teachers Recruitment Process

West Bengal Board of Primary Education, being the examining/recommending body for recruitment of primary teachers in West Bengal, is going to conduct PHASE WISE of interviews/viva-voces and aptitude tests centrally under its direct supervision and monitoring
for candidates in terms of Rule 8 (3) (Table — A) Si. Nos. (v), (vi) and (vii) of the West Bengal Primary School Teachers Recruitment Rules, 2016 as amended up to date [hereafter the Recruitment Rules]. Such interviews/viva-voces and aptitude tests shall be an independent exercise.

This exercise is necessitated since such interviews/viva-voces and aptitude tests for the 2022 Recruitment process will be a time consuming process, having regard to the number of applicants, each of whose interviews/viva-voces and aptitude tests will be video graphed.All such candidates are requested to appear before the interview board along with the original as well as self-attested photocopies of the documents listed below :

2022 Primary Teachers Recruitment Process
2022 Primary Teachers Recruitment Process
  1. Admit Card of the TET
  2. Downloaded Document of TET-qualification
  3. Admit Card of Madhyamik ParikshalCertificate thereof as proof of age.
  4. Mark sheet and Certificate of Madhyamik or its equivalent examination issued by Board /Council.
  5. Mark sheet and Certificate of Higher Secondary or, its equivalent examination issued by Board /Council.
  6. Mark sheet and Certificate of Two Year D. El. Ed./D.Ed. (Special Education)/B.Ed. or its Equivalent Examinations.
  7. Mark sheet and Certificate of Graduation (BA/B.Sc./B.Com. etc) issued by University, if applicable.
  8. Caste Certificate (SC/ST/OBC-A/OBC-B) issued by competent Govt. authority, if applicable.
  9. PH certificate, as per Govt. rules, where applicable.
  10. Exempted category-certificate issued by the competent Govt. authority, if applicable.
  11. Ex-servicemen-certificate, if applicable.
  12. First engagement letter issued by the Competent Govt. Authority as a para-teacher, where applicable
  13. Experience certificate of a para-teacher issued by the D.P.O./S.D.O for counting of services and age —relaxation, where applicable.
  14. All relevant testimonials and certificates, relating to co-curricular activities, as per recruitment rules, if any.
  15. Voter ID/Aadhar Card.
  16. One Passport size photograph, self-attested.
2022 Primary Teachers Recruitment Process
2022 Primary Teachers Recruitment Process


Vacancy for The 2022 Primary Teachers recruitment process?

Tentatively WBBPE has provide that for The 2022 Primary Teachers recruitment process,vacancy would be 11765.

2022 a primary school teacher’s salary is?

Basic 28900,DA 6%,HRA 3% and MA 500,Total gross salary is 34,452.

Till now ,while wring this post how phase notification published by WBBPE?

while wring this post WBBPE has published 17th phase notification.

In which year TET qualified candidates can participate in this 2022 Primary Teachers recruitment process?

2014 and 2017 TET pass and trained candidates can participate in this 2022 Primary Teachers recruitment process.

What is the WBBPE official site?

The official site is https://wbbpe.org/ .



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