Homewbssc newsCounseling name list for Recruitment Process 2023-চাকরি বাতিলের পর ঐ শূন্য পদে...

[PDF]Counseling name list for Recruitment Process 2023-চাকরি বাতিলের পর ঐ শূন্য পদে যাঁদের ডাকা হল তাঁদের জেলা সহ নামের লিস্ট জারি !very big news

Counseling name list for Recruitment Process 2023- In compliance with the solemn order dated February 10, 2023 passed by the Hon’ble High Court, Calcutta in WPA No. 18585 of 2021 (Laxmi Tunga & Ors. vs The State of West Bengal & Ors.) wherein the West Bengal Central School Service Commission has been directed to recommend waitlisted candidates according to their merit, category, gender etc. in the vacancies arising out of cancellation of recommendations in regard to 3rd Regional Level Selection Test (NT) – 2016 for recruitment of Gr-D staffs,

it is hereby notified in connection of this office memo no: 216/L-4044/CSSC/ESTT/2023 dated 10.02.2023 that the phase- 01 counseling for the Gr-D posts for Eastern Region is scheduled to be conducted on March 02, 2023 at 10:30 A.M. at the Office address given above.

Counseling name list for Recruitment Process 2023(file image)

Counseling name list for Recruitment Process 2023

SlRegionDistrictName of the CandidateRoll No.Post
1EASTERN REGIONBIRBHUMAnanga Prosad Sarkar16091601006647Peon
2EASTERN REGIONBIRBHUMKaushik Chakraborty16091601048228Peon
3EASTERN REGIONBIRBHUMMainak Majumder16091601010222Peon
4EASTERN REGIONBIRBHUMSaurabh Dey16091601022385Peon
5EASTERN REGIONBIRBHUMSomnath Patra16091601005821Peon
6EASTERN REGIONBIRBHUMSubrata Gorain16091601045018Peon
7EASTERN REGIONBURDWANAlamgir Sk16091602028433Peon
8EASTERN REGIONBURDWANAmit Bandhu16091602092887Peon
9EASTERN REGIONBURDWANAsgar Ali Mirza16091602109321Peon
10EASTERN REGIONBURDWANBarnali Bouri16091602010629Peon
11EASTERN REGIONBURDWANBasudeb Ghosh16091602105033Peon
12EASTERN REGIONBURDWANBhola Nath Hemram16091602123308Peon
13EASTERN REGIONBURDWANBiltu Thakur16091602121917Peon
14EASTERN REGIONBURDWANBiswajit Sarkar16091602094344Peon
15EASTERN REGIONBURDWANDebasree Banerjee16091602031973Peon
16EASTERN REGIONBURDWANKallol Koner16091602109601Peon
17EASTERN REGIONBURDWANKumarjeet Sur16091602123074Peon
18EASTERN REGIONBURDWANKushal Bandopadhyay16091602123688Peon
19EASTERN REGIONBURDWANNemai Das16091602098480Peon
20EASTERN REGIONBURDWANPartha Ghosh16091602095089Peon
21EASTERN REGIONBURDWANRaju Roy16091602123828Peon
22EASTERN REGIONBURDWANRanjan Das16091602061435Peon
23EASTERN REGIONBURDWANSanju Pramanik16091602109053Peon
24EASTERN REGIONBURDWANSukanta Pramanik16091602034503Peon
25EASTERN REGIONBURDWANSuman Kumar Das16091602044257Peon
Counseling name list for Recruitment Process 2023

Counseling name list for Recruitment Process 2023

26EASTERN REGIONBURDWANSuman Mondal16091602113039Peon
27EASTERN REGIONBURDWANTota Mallick16091602047857Peon
28EASTERN REGIONHOOGHLYAnup Ghosh16091603000857Peon
29EASTERN REGIONHOOGHLYBiltu Karmokar16091603063300Peon
30EASTERN REGIONHOOGHLYChanchal Biswas16091603067027Peon
31EASTERN REGIONHOOGHLYKrishna Chandra Sil16091603068826Peon
32EASTERN REGIONHOOGHLYManish Jana16091603028385Peon
33EASTERN REGIONHOOGHLYMithun Malik16091603009123Peon
34EASTERN REGIONHOOGHLYSamir Sarkar16091603024264Peon
35EASTERN REGIONHOOGHLYShibam Koley16091603049055Peon
36EASTERN REGIONHOOGHLYShishir Roy16091603043607Peon
37EASTERN REGIONHOOGHLYShouvik Porel16091603074595Peon
38EASTERN REGIONHOOGHLYSoma Nandi16091603037391Peon
39EASTERN REGIONHOOGHLYSudeshna Ghosh16091603042025Peon
40EASTERN REGIONHOOGHLYSurajit Mondal16091603041312Peon
Counseling name list for Recruitment Process 2023

এই একই ভাবে প্রাথমিক,ক্লাস ৯-১০,ক্লাস ১১-১২,গ্রুপ সি লিস্ট দেওয়া হবে- সেই লিস্ট দেখতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

Counseling name list for Recruitment Process 2023


Counseling name list for Recruitment Process 2023– Each eligible listed candidate can download the intimation letter for counseling process from the website of the Commission i.e. www.westbengalssc.com on & from 27.02.2023, along with the list of vacancies on offer.

If any candidate, called to attend such counseling process, is found to be related to any irregularity including manipulation of their OMRs, shall have his/her recommendation revoked and candidature cancelled without any further notice.

Counseling name list for Recruitment Process 2023-All candidates who are called to attend the counseling process are required to bring a set of photocopies of all the relevant testimonials/certificates/documents along with the corresponding originals concerned in favor of his/her candidature for a further verification. At the time of such verification of original documents if any mismatch, misrepresentation of fact and defect or fault is detected, candidature of the concerned candidate will be cancelled forthwith without any notice.

Counseling name list for Recruitment Process 2023

If any candidate fails to appear on the scheduled date for counseling, he/she will not be given any further chance and he/she will be treated as absent. In case of extreme unforeseen and sudden circumstances, duly authorized representative of the candidate may be allowed to take part in the counseling process in absence of the candidate, post approval of the authority of the West Bengal Central School Service Commission.

No candidate will be allowed T.A for appearing in the Counseling process. No candidates will be allowed entry into the venue of counseling without valid intimation letter downloaded from the website of the Commission.

The counseling will be held as per the provision of the West Bengal School Service Commission Act. 1997 read with West Bengal School Service Commission (Selection of Persons for Appointment to the Post of Non-Teaching Staff) Rules, 2009 with all its amendments.




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