obtained 82 in TET: ৮২ পেয়ে পাশ করা চাকরি প্রার্থীদের জন্য নোটিশ জারি করলো প্রাথমিক পর্ষদ! কবে নিয়োগ দেখুন! very big news


obtained 82 in TET: WBBPE has finally published a notice regarding Primary TET candidates who have score 82 marks in TET exam in latest on qualify TET according to court order. Inviting applications from the reserved category candidates who have obtained 82 in TET-2014 (held on 11.10.2015) and declared as TET qualified in compliance with the order of the Hon’ble High Court, Calcutta passed on 09.11.2022 and in other similar writ petitions to participate in recruitment process as notified on 29.09.20220 .

obtained 82 in TET

obtained 82 in TET
obtained 82 in TET

With reference to our earlier notification vide No. 1573/WBBPE/2022 dt. 29.09.2022 and our subsequent notifications in this context and in compliance with the order of the Hon’ble High Court, Calcutta passed on 09.11.2022 in WPA 20745 of 2022 and in other similar writ petitions, all the reserved category candidates who have obtained 82 in TET-2014 (held on 11.10.2015) and declared as TET-2014 qualified are invited to participate in the process of Recruitment-2022 on and from 20.03.2023 to 24.03.2023 through our websites.

The other terms and conditions as stated in our earlier notifications will remain unaltered. The concerned candidates are requested to go through our main notification for other terms and conditions required to apply.

Important Dates for recruitment

Application For82 Marks Candidates
Exam Date11.10.2015
Application Date20.03.2023 to 24.03.2023
SalaryClick Here
More Notice and UpdatesClick Here
TET 2014 Score 82 in TET


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