HomeWB PRIMARY TETPrimary Interview Notice 5 district- ৬টি জেলার জন্য প্রাইমারি বোর্ড ইন্টারভিউ নোটিশ...

Primary Interview Notice 5 district- ৬টি জেলার জন্য প্রাইমারি বোর্ড ইন্টারভিউ নোটিশ দিল, শিক্ষক নিয়োগ নিয়ে বড় আপডেট।very big news

Primary Interview Notice 5 district-NOTICE FOR INTERVIEW/VIVA-VOCE AND APTITUDE TEST (5th PHASE)। In continuation to our earlier notification vide memo no. 2325/WBBPE/2022 dated 29.12.2022 it is hereby notified to all concerned that the West Bengal Board of Primary Education, being the examining/recommending body for recruitment of primary teachers in West Bengal, is going to conduct FIFTH PHASE of interview/viva­-voce and aptitude test centrally under its direct supervision and monitoring for candidates who opted for Paschim Bardhaman, Paschim Medinipur, Jalpaiguri, Uttar Dinaipur, Coochbehar and Bankura  districts in terms of Rule 8 (3) (Table — A) Sl. Nos. (v), (vi) and (vii) of the West Bengal Primary School Teachers Recruitment Rules, 2016 as amended up to date [hereafter the Recruitment Rules].

5th phase interview(Primary Interview Notice 5 district) যারা Paschim Bardhaman, Paschim Medinipur, Uttar Dinajpur, Jalpaiguri, Coochbehar, Bankura district এর জন্য option দিয়েছিলেন, interview এর তারিখ গুলো হলো – Paschim Bardhaman district এর জন্য 16.01.2023,Paschim Medinipur এর জন্য 17.01.2023 ও 18.01.2023,Jalpaiguri district এর জন্য- 24.01.2023,Uttar Dinajpur District এর জন্য- 27.01.2023 ও 28.01.2023,Coochbehar District এর জন্য- 30.01.2023, 31.01.2023 ও 01.02.2023 ,Bankura district এর জন্য- 07.02.2023, 08.02.2023, 09.02.2023 ও 10.02.2023 ।

Primary Interview Notice 5 district

Dates of Interview viva-voce and Aptitude TestDistrict Name
16/01/2023Paschim Bardhaman
17/01/2023 and 18/01/2023Paschim Medinipur
27/01/2023 and 28/01/2023Uttar Dinajpur
30/01/2023, 31/01/2023 and 01/02/2023Coochbehar
07/02/2023, 08/02/2023, 09/02/2023 and 10/02/2023Bankura
Primary Interview Notice 5 district

Till now total published district name for Primary Teachers Recruitment Interview for 11765 vacant post

PhaseDistrict NameDate
1st phaseKolkata27th December 2022
2nd phaseKolkata10th January 2023
3rd & 4th phaseAlipurduar,Siliguri and Dakshin Dinajpur11th January to 14th January 2023
5th phasePaschim Bardhaman,Paschim Medinipur,Jalpaiguri district,Uttar Dinajpur,Coochbehar,Bankura16th January to 10th February 2023
6th PhaseProvide SoonProvide soon
Primary Interview Notice 5 district

Primary Interview Notice 5 district

Primary Interview Notice 5 district
Primary Interview Notice 5 district

All such candidates are requested to appear before the interview board along with the original as well as self-attested photocopies of the documents listed below :

  1. Admit Card of the TET
  2. Downloaded Document of TET-qualification
  3. Admit Card of Madhyamik Pariksha/Certificate thereof as proof of age.
  4. Mark sheet and Certificate of Madhyamik or its equivalent examination issued by Board /Council.
  5. Mark sheet and Certificate of Higher Secondary or its equivalent examination issued by Board /Council.
  6. Mark sheet and Certificate of Two Year D. El. Ed./D.Ed. (Special Education)/B.Ed. /B.P.Ed. or its Equivalent Examinations.
  7. Mark sheet and Certificate of Graduation (BA/B.Sc./B.Com. etc) issued by University, if applicable.
  8. Caste Certificate (SC/ST/OBC-A/OBC-B) issued by competent Govt. authority, if applicable.
  9. PH certificate, as per Govt. rules, where applicable.
  10. Exempted category-certificate issued by the competent Govt. authority, if applicable.
  11. Ex-servicemen-certificate, if applicable.
  12. First engagement letter issued by the Competent Govt. Authority as a para-teacher, where applicable
  13. Experience certificate of a para-teacher issued by the D.P.O./S.D.O for counting of services and age — relaxation, where applicable.
  14. All relevant testimonials and certificates, relating to co-curricular activities, as per recruitment rules, if any.
  15. Voter ID/Aadhar Card.
  16. One Passport size photograph, self-attested.

If any candidate is found ineligible in any respect, she/he will not be allowed to appear before the interview board.The call letter for interview can be downloaded using the Primary Teacher Recruitment 2022 portal.In order to dissipate any confusion/ambiguity, being the examining/recommending body, the Board makes it abundantly clear that the State Wide Merit List, for the 2022 Recruitment process will only be published after assessing/evaluating every benchmark contained in the recruitment rules. It is compulsory for everyone to maintain the Covid-19 Protocol.

Primary Interview Notice 5 district
Primary Interview Notice 5 district

Interview এর time ও venue জানানো হবে candidate দের e-mail এর মাধ্যমে । ক্যান্ডিডেটরা নিজেদের interview call letter-এও নিজের ইন্টারভিউ সম্পর্কে বিস্তারিত আপডেট পাবেন। interview call letter কিভাবে download করবেন তা নীচে বর্ণনা করা হল।

  • প্রথমে wbbpe এর অফিশিয়াল সাইট ভিজিট করুন। অথবা এই link এ click করুন।
  • এর পর Primary Teacher recruitment -2022 এ click করুন।
  • একটি নতুন page open হবে।
  • print/download call letter option এ click করুন।
  • এরপর আপনার registration number ও date of birth put করুন ও print call letter option এ click করুন।



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