HomeDA NEWS{6%}Recent West Bengal Govt. Orders PDF,West Bengal Government DA Chart,DA rate in...

{6%}Recent West Bengal Govt. Orders PDF,West Bengal Government DA Chart,DA rate in West Bengal,very big news

Recent West Bengal Govt. Orders PDF-Grant of Dearness Allowance to State Government Employees and the employees of Government aided Educational Institutions, employees of Statutory Bodies, Government Undertakings, Panchayats including Panchayat Karmee, Municipal Corporations / Municipalities, Local Bodies etc. and also Dearness Relief to the Pensioners / Family Pensioners.

Recent West Bengal Govt. Orders PDF

After careful consideration, the Governor has been pleased to decide the following on 24/02/2023:-West Bengal Government DA Chart.DA rate in West Bengal.

1) The whole time State Government employees shall draw Dearness Allowance @6% of basic pay w.e.f. 01/03/2023. The calculation of Dearness Allowances shall be made taking into account the revised basic pay and NPA, if any, but it shall not include any other type of pay.

2) The Dearness Allowance as sanctioned at (I) above in respect of State Government employees shall be admissible to the teaching and non-teaching employees of Government aided Educational Institutions, employees of Statutory Bodies, Government Undertakings, Panchayats including Panchayat Karmee, Municipal Corporations / Municipalities, Local Bodies etc. The respective Administrative Department may sanction the benefit of Dearness Allowance @6% of revised basic pay w.e.f. 01/03/2023 to the employees under their control without making any further reference to Group P2 of this Department.

3) (a) The State Government Pensioners / Family Pensioners shall draw Dearness Relief @ 6% of revised basic pension / revised family pension w.e.f. 01/03/2023.
(b) It will be the responsibility of the Pension Disbursing Authority to calculate the quantum of Dearness Relief on revised Pension / revised Family Pension payable to each individual case.

(c) For the purpose of payment of Dearness Relief sanctioned herein, the Principal Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal, will issue authority to the Public Sector Banks in Kolkata and the Accountant General of other States.
(d) The Treasury or Sub-treasury Officers in this State will give effect to this order without the authority of the Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal.

Recent West Bengal Govt. Orders PDF
Recent West Bengal Govt. Orders PDF(file image)

CLICK HERE TO CALCULATE YOUR SALARY -{MARCH 2023} WB Employee DA Hike Calculator,WB DA Rate Calculation 2023

West Bengal Government DA Chart(DA rate in West Bengal)

Order number and dateDate of effectTotal Rates of D.A.
3360-F & 3367-F dt. 04.04.198701-03-19874%
12890-F dt. 28-11-198701-12-19878%
5690-F dt.17-05-198801-06-198813%
610-F dt.17-01-198901-02-198918%
5619-F dt. 20-05-198901-06-198923%
11560-F dt. 20-10-198901-11-198929%
5075-F dt. 24-05-199001-06-199034%
11715-F dt. 22-11-199001-12-199038%
2880-F dt. 26-03-199101-04-199143%
11210-F dt. 05-12-199101-01-199251%
10485-F dt. 14-10-199201-11-199260%
7801-F dt. 02-07-199301-07-199371%
12550-F dt. 26-11-199301-12-199383%
4130-F dt. 12-04-199401-05-199492%
10410-F dt. 28-10-199401-11-199497%
975-F dt. 31-01-199501-02-1995104%
5733-F dt. 01-06-199501-06-1995114%
11200-F dt. 13-11-199501-12-1995125%
955-F dt. 29-11-199501-12-1995Rs. 100/- (I.R)
2675-F dt.08-03-199601-04-1996136%
7756-F dt. 27-08-199601-10-1996148%
2896-F dt. 27-03-199701-04-1997(I.R. 10% or min Rs. 100/-)
6695-F dt. 25-07-199701-08-1997159%
10705-F dt. 10-12-199701-12-1997170%
2590-F dt. 02-04-199801-04-1998182.4%
ROPA 1998 (7306-F dated 16.10.1998)
7308-F dt. 16-10-199801-04-1997NIL
7285-F dt. 26-07-199901-08-199932%
3230-F dt 04-04-200001-04-200037%
7640-F dt. 06-09-200001-10-200038%
6110-F dt. 27-06-200101-07-200141%
6815-F dt. 27-06-200301-07-200345%
7848-F dt. 12-08-200401-09-200449%
3134-F dt.04-04-200501-04-200552%
7390-F dt 19-08-200501-09-200555%
9110-F dt. 11-11-200501-12-200559%
1699-F dt. 27.02.200601.03.200661%
4760-F dt. 27.06.200601.07.200664%
6568-F dt. 01.09.200601.09.200667%
1-F dt. 02-01-200701.01.200771%
2415-F dt. 27-03-200701.04.200750% Merger of D.A
2416-F dt. 27-03-200701.04.200724% D.A calculation of B.P.D.P
13-F dt 01.01.200801.01.200829% D.A calculation of B.P.D.P
4236-F dt 12.06.200801.06.200835% D.A calculation of B.P.D.P
8195-F dt. 04.11.200801.11.200841% D.A calculation of B.P.D.P
1370-F dt. 12.02.200901.03.200947% D.A calculation of B.P.D.P
ROPA 2009 (1690-F dt. 23.02.2009)
1692-F dt. 23.02.200901.04.20082%
10301-F dt. 03.12.200901.12.200922%
2580-F dt. 09.04.201001.04.201027%
10850-F dt. 23.11.201001.12.201035%
11080-F dt. 12.12.201101.01.201245%
10615-F dt. 31.12.201201.01.201352%
8840-F dt. 16.12.201301.01.201458%
143-F dt. 09.01.201501.01.201565%
8430-F dt. 14.12.201501.01.201675%
18-F dt. 02.01.201701.01.201785%
5724-F dt. 12.09.201701.01.2018100%
4037-F dt. 21.06.201801.01.2019125%
ROPA 2019 (5562–F, Dt 25-09-2019)
78-F dt. 08.01.202101.01.20213%
850-F(P2) 24/02/202301.03.20236%
West Bengal Government DA Chart,
West Bengal Government DA Chart(file image)
West Bengal Government DA Chart
DA rate in West Bengal(file image)


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