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Sail Durgapur recruitment 2022:- Some good news out about recruitment in West Bengal.Sail Durgapur recruitment 2022 for 72 proficiency trainees post through walk-in interview at Durgapur steel plant.You can apply for Trainee Nurse at Main Hospital, Durgapur Steel Plant.
If you have a bachelor’s degree in nursing or a diploma in nursing, you can apply now. A total of 72 nurses will be taken in different departments including ICU. If you have an internship certificate, you can also submit it as proof of your eligibility. You will be able to work as Trainee Nursing at Durgapur Steel Plant for 18 months. Know some important information for the job before applying.
Sail Durgapur recruitment 2022
Jobs Details | SAIL Recruitment 2022 For 72 Proficiency Trainees Post Through Walk-In Interview At Durgapur Steel Plant |
Jobs Role | Proficiency Trainees |
Qualification | Pass in B.Sc. (Nursing) / Diploma in General Nursing & Midwifery |
Total Vacancy | 72 |
Jobs Location | Durgapur, Main Hospital |
Salary | 7020-8000{per month} |
Advertisement date | 29/01/2022 |
Last Date | 14/02/2022 |
Official Site | |
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Sail Durgapur recruitment 2022

Educational Qualification for Trainee Nurse at Durgapur Main Hospital
- Pass in B.Sc. (Nursing) / Diploma in General Nursing & Midwifery.
- Internship Certificate (if applicable).
- Certificate of Registration.
- Valid as on date of walk-in interview.
ICU/NICU/BICU, Medicine, Surgery, Obs & Gyn, Paediatrics, Casualty, Orthopaedics, COVID, Chest & other associated areas.
Stipend per month Rs.8000/-plus,Knowledge Enhancement Allowance per month (Max upto Rs.7020/-linked to attendance as under.
Selection Procedure for Trainee Nurse at Durgapur Main Hospital
(a)Candidates have to appear for walk-in interview as per the schedule mentioned below with filled-in & signed application in prescribed format (Annexure-A) and Letter of Undertaking (Annexure-B) with documents/testimonials as per instruction &/or eligibility.
(b)Selection for „Proficiency Training‟ will be done by judging their performance through interview only.
(c)All certificate/ documents in support of eligibility will be verified with the original during interview & joining and if any candidate fails to produce the same, he/she will not be allowed to appear for interview/join and their candidature will be cancelled. Therefore, candidates are requested to ensure their eligibility and validity of the certificate/documents on date of interview before applying and appearing for the interview.
Sail Durgapur recruitment 2022
(d)If the selected candidates are not in possession of the “Certificate of Registration” at the time of joining, they will have to deposit the same within three months from the date of their engagement as proficiency trainee nurses. Till such time, the engagement of the proficiency trainee nurses will be Provisional.
(e)”Proficiency Training” will start immediately after the selection of the candidates is completed and are issued offer of engagement as “Proficiency Trainee Nurse”.
(f)On completion of training in DSP for 18 months, a „Certificate of Proficiency„ will be issued by M&HS department to the successful candidates based on their satisfactory performance. The certificate will not be issued in cases of provisional engagement as mentioned at (XI)(d) above or in case of failure to complete entire duration of the training.
HOW TO APPLY for 72 Proficiency Trainees Post Through Walk-In Interview At Durgapur Steel Plant
- Eligible & interested candidates are required to appear for walk-in interview as per the schedule. They may also send their application in the prescribed format (Annexure-A) to the email id: pt*@sa*****.in within 14.02.2022 (Monday). Candidates are advised to check their mail & SAIL website frequently, as further communication with the candidates, if required, will be made through email/website.
- Schedule of interview-15.02.2022 (Tuesday) & 16.02.2022 (Wednesday)
- venue of interview- Conference Hall, 1st Floor DSP Main Hospital, Durgapur-713205
- NB : Candidates are required to follow Covid appropriate behavior during walk-in interview
Total Vacancy of Proficiency Trainees Post At Durgapur Steel Plant?
72 are total Vacancy of Proficiency Trainees Post At Durgapur Steel Plant.
Salary of 72 Proficiency Trainees Post At Durgapur Steel Plant?
8000/month plus Knowledge Enhancement Allowance per month (Max upto Rs.7020/-linked to attendance as under).
Jobs location ?
Durgapur, Main Hospital .
Shared accommodation subject to availability.
Leave ?
15 days Special Leave (Max. 10 days of leave may be granted in one spell).
Jobs Duration?
18 (eighteen) months.
Name Sujit saren
Vill jantadumur
Po+ps barikul
Block ranibandh
Dist Bankura
Ha pass
Pin 722162
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