HomeWB PRIMARY TETsubmission of documents by the TET-2014 qualified candidates who scored 82 marks...

[Application]submission of documents by the TET-2014 qualified candidates who scored 82 marks in TET,very big news

TET-2014 qualified candidates who scored 82 marks in TET- West Bengal Board of Primary Education(WBBPE),has finally published notification for TET-2014 qualified candidates who scored 82 marks in TET.According to notice, the candidates who had scored 82 marks in TET-2014 and have been declared TET qualified are instructed to submit the following documents along with applications to the office of the Board within 21-11-2022 during office hours i.e. from 10-30 a.m. to 5-30 p.m. on working days for participating in the said recruitment process.

TET-2014 qualified candidates who scored 82 marks in TET

TET-2014 qualified candidates who scored 82 marks in TET
TET-2014 qualified candidates who scored 82 marks in TET

The following documents are required for 82 marks 2014 TET qualified candidates for offline documents submission-

  • 1) Copy of TET Admit Card
  • 2) Copy of Admit Card of Madhyamik Examination or any age proof certificate.
  • 3) Applications

Note- Such candidates who have already submitted applications along with documents in this regard to our office are not required to submit again.

TET-2014 qualified candidates who scored 82 marks in TET
TET-2014 qualified candidates who scored 82 marks in TET

TET-2014 qualified candidates who scored 82 marks in TET

StateWest Bengal
BoardWest Bengal Board of Primary Education(WBBPE)
Documents submission Last date21-11-2022
Documents submission modeoffline
Documents submission timing10-30 a.m. to 5-30 p.m. on working days
NoticeClick Here(serial no 130)
2017 and 2014 Break up marksClick Here
TET-2014 qualified candidates who scored 82 marks in TET

Extension of the last date for online application for Recruitment-2022

WB Primary Board has decided to increase last for online application for Recruitment-2022.In this Primary TET process of Recruitment-2022 ,all TET pass trained candidates,2012,2014,2017 ,can made application.

WBBPE has published a Notice for Extension of the online recruitment portal. Considering the pending hearing of writ petitions before the Hon’ble High Court at Calcutta regarding some problems for submitting applications in online recruitment portal, the Board is hereby extending the last date for submission of online applications till 24:00 Hrs. (1ST) of 21.11.2022.

প্রাথমিক শিক্ষক নিয়োগ বৃত্তান্ত

  • গত ২৯ সেপ্টেম্বরে বিজ্ঞাপিত- মোট শূন্যপদ প্রায় ১১,৭৬৫টি।
  • ১৩টি মামলার রায়ে ৯৮ জনকে নিয়োগের নির্দেশ ।
  • ফলে শূন্যপদ কমে হচ্ছে  ১১,৬৬৭টি ।
  • আদালতের নির্দেশে নিয়োগের প্রক্রিয়াকে দু’ভাগে ভাগ হচ্ছে-
  • a)২০১৪-এর টেট উত্তীর্ণদের জন্য সংরক্ষিত ৩৯২৯ আসন ।
  • b) ২০১২,২০১৪ ও ২০১৭-এর টেট উত্তীর্ণ ও প্রশিক্ষিতরা-৭,৭৩৮ পদে বিবেচিত সম্ভাব্য আবেদনকারীর সংখ্যা প্রায় ৮০,০০০ জন


Last date for online application for Primary Recruitment 2022?

21.11.2022 is the last date for online application for Primary Recruitment 2022.

82 Primary TET pass candidates application date?

From 14/11/2022 to 21/11/2022 Primary TET pass 82 marks candidates can submit given documents to WBBPE office.

82 marks obtain TET candidates document submission process is online or offline?

Offline,who had scored 82 marks in TET-2014 and have been declared TET qualified are instructed to submit the following documents along with applications to the office.

Offline documents submission time?

From 10-30 a.m. to 5-30 p.m. on working days.




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