HomeWB JOBSWB 738 Librarians Recruitment Notification,738 Librarians Recruitment online Application Date,Very big news

WB 738 Librarians Recruitment Notification,738 Librarians Recruitment online Application Date,Very big news

WB 738 Librarians Recruitment Notification-Finance Department has given permission for filling up of 738 posts of Librarians of Sponsored Public Libraries having status of Rural Libraries all over West Bengal. District wise breakup of the same is available with you and also enclosed for ready reference. These vacant posts have to be filled up Immediately due to acute shortage of librarians in the districts.Here we share 738 Librarians Recruitment online Application Date,

WB 738 Librarians Recruitment Notification

In this regard the following guidelines are being framed for smooth conduct of recruitment process.Following Tentative Schedule are Published .

  • Formation of Selection Committee ( if not formed ) -10.52022
  • Issue of advertisement-17.05.2022
  • Letter to Employment Exchange Offices -17.05.2022
  • Last date of receiving list from Employment Exchange offices 10.06.2022
  • Last date of submission of online applications -10.06.2022
  • Scrutiny of applications and to prepare list of candidates for interview-24.06.2022
  • Dispatch of letters for interview to be completed by -01.07.2022
  • Date of interview- 14.07.2022 to 18.07.2022.
  • Finalization of list -25.07.2022

Note- SI No. (viii) and (ix) may be finally fixed as per no. of candidates for interview.

WB 738 Librarians Recruitment Notification(738 Librarians Recruitment online Application Date)


WB 738 Librarians Recruitment Notification(738 Librarians Recruitment online Application Date)

Recruitment of the librarians of Sponsored Public Libraries having status of Rural Library will be done as per provisions of memo no.
Formation of the Selection Committee for conducting the recruitment process will be made by the Local Library Authority of the concerned
district as per existing G.O.
Application [Annexure-C] will be submitted online by the candidates.
At the time of submitting application by the candidates, duly attested copies of all certificates must be uploaded.
If numbers of applicants are large, maximum permissible no. of candidates to be called for interview against the number of vacancies
may be decided by LLA.
The original certificates regarding qualifications, experience, reservation status and other factors will be verified by a team of
experts formed by the Selection Committee.
Advertisement will be published in approved newspapers and official website as per Government guidelines for wider publication.
Apart from open advertisement the concerned Employment Offices will also be requested to send the list of eligible candidates. If the employment exchanges are not in a position to send the list of the candidates, a certificate in this regard should be collected from them.
Age of the candidate will be calculated as on 01.01.2022.
During interview knowledge of computer & Bengali may be tested.
The final panel of candidates in the merit list will also consist of 10% waitlisted/ reserve candidates separately as per ED rules.
The final panel will remain valid for 1 year as per ED rules.

To get “{Librarians-738}Qualification for Librarian recruitment in WB” – Click Here

To see 738 District Wise vacancy – Click Here




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