wb gpf statement download:- রাজ্য সরকারের বিভিন্ন দপ্তরের কর্মী-আধিকারিকদের জেনারেল প্রভিডেন্ট ফান্ডের (জিপিএফ) হিসেব এখন থেকে শুধু অনলাইনে দেখা যাবে। প্রতি বছর জিপিএফ তহবিলের হিসেব সংক্রান্ত যে ছাপানো স্লিপ প্রিন্সিপাল অ্যাকাউন্ট্যান্ট জেনারেল (পিএজি) অফিস থেকে পাঠানো হতো সেটা এবার থেকে বন্ধ হয়ে যাচ্ছে।
একটি বিজ্ঞপ্তি জারি করে বলা হয়েছে,”বিভিন্ন কারণে এখন অনেক কর্মী অফিসের মাধ্যমে পিএফ-এর হিসেব সংক্রান্ত ছাপানো স্লিপ পান না বলে জানানো হয়েছে। ৮ অক্টোবর থেকে ২০২০-২১-এর জিপিএফ হিসেব কর্মীরা অনলাইনে পাবেন। প্রসঙ্গত, রাজ্য সরকারের দপ্তরগুলিতে গ্রুপ এ, বি এবং সি শ্রেণির কর্মীদের জিপিএফ তহবিল দেখভাল করে পিএজি।”
অনলাইনে জিপিএফ {wb gpf statement download} হিসেব দেখানোর জন্য সরকারি কর্মীদের পিএজি অফিসের ওয়েবসাইটে নাম নথিভুক্ত থাকতে হবে। নথিভুক্তরা ওয়েবসাইটে গিয়ে নিজের আইডি ও পাসওয়ার্ড দিলেই জিপিএফ তহবিলের হিসেব জানতে পারবেন।
wb gpf statement download

wb gpf statement download
যে নোটিশটি জারি করা হয়েছে সেটা নীচে উল্লেখ করা হল-
File No. FM/CH-II/GPF statement/2021-22/36 Date: 07.10.2021
Subject: Introduction of e-GPF Account Statement from the account year 2020-21 onwards
“Each year this office issues printed General Provident Fund (GPF) annual account statement to each of the HoO/DDO in respect of staff under their control against requisition received from the said officers. However, there were some instances of subscribers not getting their annual statement as no requisition was received from any HoO/DDO in their name or statement being sent to their old office since their name was included in the requisition from that office etc.
In order to facilitate easy access to the annual GPF account statement as well as to provide better service to the GPF subscribers through use of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) and also as a green initiative by this office, it has been decided to discontinue the printing and dispatch of annual GPF statement in paper format. The annual GPF statement will henceforth be available for view and download in soft copy format from the Pr. Accountant’s General website. The statement will be made available in the individual subscribers’ login facility with facsimile signature and QR code as a security feature. The same can be viewed/downloaded in soft copy format and also printed, if required, by the individual subscriber using their login credentials. In addition to being environment friendly this initiative will mitigate the problems arising out of non receipt of GPF account statement sent by postal means, the need to physically visit AG office for getting GPF account statement etc. The subscriber would be able to view and download the GPF statement at their own convenience and from any place having net connectivity. Henceforth no GPF Account statement would be sent to any HoO/DDO.
In order to avail this facility the subscriber should have already registered himself/herself in the PAG website (https://agwb.cag.gov.in/subs/login) and should have a valid user id (GPF series and GPF Account Number) and password. The annual GPF statement would be available under ‘GPF Accounts Statement’ under the subscriber dashboard. The pre- requisites for accessing e-GPF statement in the PAG website have been detailed in Annexure-A (attached).
The downloaded e-GPF annual account statement from the Pr. A.G website for the year 2020-21 onwards will be valid for all purposes including any withdrawal from the GPF. The correctness of the data as available in the printed e-GPF statement can also be verified by scanning the QR code affixed on the top right hand corner of each such e-GPF statement. The QR code can be scanned using any smart phone having QR code scanner App. The details of the information that can be obtained on scanning the QR code are as per Annexure-B (attached).
In view of the discontinuance of printing and dispatch of paper GPF annual statement no GPF statement for the year 2020-21 will be distributed from this office nor there is any requirement for sending requisitions for issue of GPF statement to this office. The GPF statement is to be downloaded by the subscriber themselves from the Pr: AG website using their credentials.
However any subscriber whose basic information that is required for login is not yet registered with this office may send a formal letter forwarded under the hand and seal of competent authority mentioning Name, full GPF number, HRMS id, mobile number, DoB, email id (if any) to this office either by post or by email to edpfnd-aqae-wbtGnic.in (scanned copy duly signed by Competent Authority if mailed). The list of staff whose mobile number is not yet registered with this office is also put up in the Pr. AG website. (https://caq gov.in/ae/west- benqaI/en/subsite-whats-new).
The annual GPF data for the year 2020-21 is scheduled to be uploaded in a staggered manner (based on the GPF series) within 08/10/2021.
File or Notice Source- Principal Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal, Kolkata
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