[Download-Print]WB Primary tet admit card 2022,WB TET Card 2022,Direct Download link,very bignews


WB Primary tet admit card 2022-From today WB Primary TET 2022 exam candidates can download WB TET Card 2022.Starting Monday TET admit card issuing process is going on. According to notice this WB TET exam is going to held on December 11th . This time more than seven lakh candidates are filling application form for Primary TET 2022 Exam .WB Primary tet admit card 2022.

This time WBBPE has issue a details guidelines regarding TET exam. This guidelines (all the rules related to TET) are also mentions in the admit card also .According to sources, the admit card can be downloaded from the board’s website. The state government is also under extreme pressure to deal with the situation practically.

NOTICE FOR DOWNLOADING ADMIT CARDS (ONLINE) OF TET-2022- It is hereby notified that the examinees (candidates) can download their Admit Cards for Teacher Eligibility Test-2022 (TET-2022), scheduled to be held on 11.12.2022, through online portal on and from 30.11.2022. Procedure for downloading Admit Cards :

  • 1) Visit www.wbbpe.org or http://wbbprimaryeducation.org
  • 3) Then click on : “PRINT / DOWNLOAD ADMIT CARD”
  • 4) Then enter your Registration Number (generated while applying for TET-2022) and Date of Birth (as mentioned in the application of TET-2022)
  • 5) Thereafter, you will be re-directed to your Admit Card preview screen and you will he able to print the same from there.
WB TET Card 2022


1.Candidates are to report at the center at least two (2) hours before the commencement of the examination. (Exam time: 12:00 noon-2:30 pm)
2.No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination center without her/his Admit Card, valid ID proof, proper frisking and bio-metric verification. Frisking through Hand-Held Metal Detectors (HHMD) will be carried out at the entry gate by male/female guards separately. Candidates who follow a particular religion and wear customary dress will be required to report on time so that there is ample time for proper frisking. Follow Covid-19 protocols as far as applicable.
3.Specially abled candidates must bring along with them requisite certificate from the appropriate authority and scribe related documents, if applicable. Prior permission should be sought from the respective DIS(PE) of the opted district. In case a specially abled candidate requires a scribe, additional compensatory time of 50 minutes will be allowed for such candidates.
4.The candidate is required to produce the admit card downloaded from the website and a valid original ID proof (Madhyamik Admit Card/Aadhar Card (with photograph/PAN Card/ Voter’s ID/Passport/Driving license) for admission in the examination hall/room. A candidate without possession of the aforesaid documents shall under no circumstances, be permitted to appear for the said examination by the Center-in-Charge.
5.In no way, will any venue be responsible for the safe custody of any prohibited / banned items carried by the candidates
to the entrance of the exam center.
6.Each candidate should carry her/his own black ball point pen to the venue, two copies of admit card downloaded from
the website and an additional photograph, same as uploaded in the application form to be pasted on the attendance
7.Each candidate has been allocated a seat indicating her/his roll number. Candidates should find and occupy only the seat
assigned to them. If any candidate is found to have changed her/his room or the seat on her/his own, other than the one
allotted, her/his candidature shall be cancelled immediately and no plea would be entertained thereafter.
8.Any candidate arriving at the venue allotted to her/him after the commencement of the examination, shall not be
permitted to appear for the examination.
9.Under no circumstances will candidates be allowed to carry the following items inside the center: –

a)Any stationery item like textual material (printed or written), bits of paper, geometry / pencil box, plastic
pouch, calculator, scale, writing pad, pen drives, log table, electronic pen/scanner, cardboard, water bottle etc.

b) Any communication device like mobile phones, Bluetooth, earphones, microphones, pagers, health bands etc.

c) Any watch/wrist watch, camera, wallet, goggles, handbags, gold ornaments etc.

d)Having in possession any other banned/prohibited items which could be used for unfair means or for
communicating with others in or outside the venue.
10.Smoking, chewing gutka, spitting or creating any such nuisances in the examination hall/room is strictly prohibited. No
food items, or beverages like tea, coffee, cold drinks are allowed to be taken inside the examination room or consumed
during examination hours.
11.No candidate, without the special permission of the invigilator concerned will be allowed to leave her/his seat or room
of examination, until the entire duration of the examination is over.
12. At the end of the examination, candidates are instructed to hand over to the invigilator:
i. Original copy of the OMR answer sheet for TET-2022 (pink in colour)
ii. One Downloaded and signed copy of her/his admit card
13.No candidate will be allowed to leave the examination room/hall until the invigilator so instructs.
14. Candidates will be allowed to leave the examination hall/room only with the following: –
i. Question booklet for TET 2022.
ii. Examinee’s copy of OMR Answer sheet for TET 2022 (green in colour).
iii. A copy of the admit card signed by the invigilator.
WB TET Card 2022

WB Primary tet admit card 2022(WB TET Card 2022)

  • visit wbbpe official site
  • where you find a link “Online Application for Teacher Eligibility Test-2022 (TET-2022) for Classes I-V
  • click on that link.
  • There you find a another link “Teacher Eligibility Test, 2022 (TET-2022)”
  • Click on that link.
  • Where you find “Print/Download Admit Card”
  • just provide required details like registration number and DOB to download your TET admit card.
  • Click on that link.

WB Primary tet admit card 2022,WB TET Card 2022,

After some times this link will be activate by wbbpe- to download notice click here(in serial no 136). According to media report this link will activate on and after 5.30 PM.

Note: This Admit Card has been issued on the basis of the application received from the candidate along with required examination fees. No verification towards eligibility criteria has been done at this stage. Candidature of the candidate will remain valid only if he or she fulfills the requisite eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement Failure to adhere with the same will render disqualification of the candidature even if the candidate has qualified in the TET and have got the certificate with marks.


[Download Full List]WB Primary TET 2022 Venue List || WB Primary TET List PDF-Read here

WB Primary tet admit card 2022(WB TET Card 2022)

Examination NameTeacher Eligibility Test, 2022 (TET-2022)
BoardWBBPE(West Bengal Board of Primary Education)
StateWest Bengal
Mode of ExamOffline
Exam Date11/12/2022
Admit issue date28/11/2022
Official sitewww.wbbpe.org
SalaryRead here
WB Primary tet admit card 2022


Which documents are allowed to leave the examination hall/room with the Candidates?

Candidates will be allowed to leave the examination hall/room only with the following: –
i. Question booklet for TET 2022. ii. Examinee’s copy of OMR Answer sheet for TET 2022 (green in colour).iii. A copy of the admit card signed by the invigilator.

Can candidate will be allowed to leave the examination room/hall ?

No candidate will be allowed to leave the examination room/hall until the invigilator so instructs.

Which documents are hand over to the invigilator?

At the end of the examination, candidates are instructed to hand over to the invigilator:
I. Original copy of the OMR answer sheet for TET-2022 (pink in colour)
II. One Downloaded and signed copy of her/his admit card

How many copy TET 2022 Admit card are required for TET examination?

Each candidate should carry her/his own black ball point pen to the venue, two copies of admit card downloaded from the website and an additional photograph, same as uploaded in the application form to be pasted on the attendance sheet.


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