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WB Primary TET Certificate Notice- Today West Bengal Board of Primary Education has issue a latest notification regarding 2014 test certificate.According to this notification, WB Primary education Board of West Bengal, has issue test certificate to the 2014 TET pass and Trained candidates.But there is certain terms and condition to get this TET Certificate,for that you must visit the official site or visit our latest post or Click Here.
Today West Bengal Board of Primary Education has published a notification regarding 2014 TET certificates .West Bengal Board of Primary Education will issue TET-2014 PASS CERTIFICATES to the TET-2014 qualified and trained candidates on submission of the online application in the prescribed Proforma in the dedicated portal {WB Primary TET Certificate Portal}to be opened shortly
WB Primary TET Certificate Notice
In compliance with the order of the Hon’ble Calcutta High Court passed on 03.02.2022, it is hereby notified that the West Bengal Board of Primary Education will issue TET-2014 PASS CERTIFICATES to the TET-2014 qualified and trained candidates on submission of the online application in the prescribed Proforma in the dedicated portal to be opened shortly.
But Remember – any TET 2014 qualified and trained candidate having 4 or 5 as the third digit in the nine digit TET-2014 Roll Number may apply through speed post for refund of TET-2014 application fees with a copy of the payment/deposit slip if they are not desirous of obtaining the Certificate of Teacher Eligibility Test in future.

WB Primary TET Certificate Portal
For application to get this “TET-2014 PASS CERTIFICATES“,candidates must have made an online application which will open shortly by WBBPE shortly.
After submission of the online application in the prescribed Proforma,the TET-2014 qualified and trained candidates will gets “TET-2014 PASS CERTIFICATES“.
When will this online portal will be open for WB Primary TET Certificate?
According to our source, in this week ,WBBPE will open {Primary TET Certificate Portal}the dedicated portal for this WB Primary TET certificate. For receiving this 2014 Primary TET Certificate ,candidates must have made an online application on that portal. Then after scrutiny and verification of the submission application,the valid candidates will gets TET 2014 Certificate.
What is Process of application for WB Primary TET Certificate?

- candidates must visit official site of WBBPE.
- Where a link will provide by WBBPE-“Application For Primary 2014 TET Certificate”.
- Click on that link.
- You must fill the required data like – 9 Digit TET Roll No and DOB.
- A Prescribed Proforma will open.
- Read all data and filled accordingly.
- After successfully submission a form will generate that contains no.
- Keep reserved this no for future work.
To read more news about Primary Teachers recruitment and upper Primary teachers recruitment just click here.
Who will get 2014 Primary TET Certificate?
TET-2014 qualified and trained candidates.
When will get 2014 Primary TET Certificate?
After submission of online application.
Where to submission of Application form for 2014 primary tet certificate?
The dedicated portal to be opened shortly by WBPPE.
From Where you able to download this notification?
From the offcial site of WBBPE or From this post.
What about tet pass and untrained candidates of 2014.
No one talking about them they are also passed in exam what is the future plan of WB gov. for them.
if you TET pass and untrained ,then you will able to get TET certificate after competing your training..