WB special educator recruitment 2023– The Commissioner of School Education has published a notice regarding all DPSC chairman in West Bengal regarding West Bengal Special Educator Recruitment 2023. The process of recruitment of Special Educators in primary schools has started in the Department of Education. The Commissioner of School Education has already directed the districts to send the ‘Register of Appointment’ of school vacancies at the earliest. This letter has been sent to the chairmen of Kolkata and District Primary School Boards. 2715 posts have been created in the first phase. However, according to sources, additional vacancies will be created shortly.These additional vacancies will be at upper primary level.
Notice- for WB special educator recruitment 2023(West Bengal Special Educator Recruitment 2023)

“The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in the WP(C) No 132 of 2016 and WP (C) 876 of 217 (Rajnessh Kumar Pandey & Ors Vs Union of India &Ors) vide solemn Order dated 28.10.21 directed the State for creation of posts and appointment of regular Special Education Teachers for imparting education to CWSN.
In compliance of the aforesaid order, the State Government in the School Education Department vide Notification No. 202-SED-13037/60/2023-Elemn dated 19.04.23, has created 2715 posts of Special Education Teachers for primary schools for the 1st Phase.
Since the vacancies in sanctioned posts have to be filled up at the earliest, he is hereby requested to prepare roster of the vacancies being the appointing authority, against the vacancies so allocated to it. A list of such schools is appended below.
The vacancies shall be filled up by the West Bengal Board of Primary Education (WBBPE) as per recruitment rules, which is expected to be finalized shortly. This is issued with the approval of the competent authority.”
WB special educator recruitment 2023(West Bengal Special Educator Recruitment 2023)
The Board of Primary Education will appoint Special Educators in various primary school all over West Bengal in 2023. New recruitment rules will be prepared WBBPE for Special Educator Recruitment in 2023. For the vacant posts which have already been created, the roster has also been asked to be prepared in accordance with the reservation rules. Special educators teach children with special needs. So how many such children there are in a school is also calculated. Help is being taken from the education portal of Bengal.

Education Department asked District Primary School Education Council for vacancies. Accordingly, the vacancies will be filled by the candidates selected by the Board of Primary Education. Supreme Court orders to appoint Special Educators. The Supreme Court has said that they should be appointed on the basis of demand in all schools. For this, the Supreme Court has directed the states to make specific rules.
The state government is also walking in that direction. Vikas Bhavan has formulated the state education policy so that the national education policy is not followed blindly. It has been asked to speed up the appointment of special educators thinking about children with special needs. A target has been taken to have at least one special educator in every school in the next five years. Therefore, the number of special educators in all types of schools is expected to be around 90,000 in the next five years.
I Saddam Hossain.i live in west bengal in Murshidabad.i complete my post graduation.i am a special educator.my pH no –
I Saddam Hossain.i live in west bengal in Murshidabad.i complete my post graduation.i am a special educator.my pH no –
I Saddam Hossain.i live in west bengal in Murshidabad.i complete my post graduation.i am a registered special educator.my pH no –