{Online}WB Student Credit Card Apply Online in 2021,how to get Student Credit Card Very big


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WB Student Credit Card Apply Online:- Here we give you all details updates about WB Student Credit Card Apply Online.What is the Criteria for get this WB Student Credit Card ? How to apply for this West Bengal Student credit Card ? How money will you get from this credit card ? & After how many years you have to be return back this money ? All details updates are cover here.

This new scheme{WB Student Credit Card} launch by the Government of West Bengal.From this Scheme beneficiary will get a fixed amount loan for their higher studies.After One year from getting jobs fixed amount will return in next 15 years .Here we give an idea about WB Student Credit Card Apply Online.

WB Student Credit Card Apply Online

  • First you have to visit wbscc.wb.gov.in for application this Student Credit Card or Click Here
  • Where you find a link namely Student Registration for WB Student Credit Card .
  • After clicking on that link a new web page will open up.
  • Where you have to be filled all required data.
  • Like – Basic Details{Applicant Name,DOB,Gender etc},Present Course of Study,Contact Details & Password.
  • Then a OTP has been send to your Submitted mobile number .
  • Verify that OTP.
  • A box will appears contains message for Successfully registration.
  • After completion of the registration process a unique id will be generated which will be sent to your mobile number which will be used as your user id for submission of application. This unique id will be used as user id for all future purposes.

Submission of application

  • Click STUDENT LOGIN button on the top right hand corner.
  • Please enter your Registration No,Enter the Password{which was set by you during registration process},After entering the captcha, and then click login button.
  • Applicant dashboard will open up , where all details{Name, Registration no. and contact number will appear, which the student need to checkout} are shown.
  • To apply for the loan, please click on Apply Loan.
  • Two types of application is there one is Aadhar based & other is Non Aadhar Based.
  • Fill all required details like – Permanent address and course & income details,Bank details of students and co-borrower.
  • Upload all required documents like- Latest Color photograph,Signature of the student ,Co-borrower’s Address proof,Student’s Aadhaar Card,Student’s PAN card details,Co-borrower’s PAN card details .
  • Student’s Class Xth board registration certificate to be uploaded, if there is no Aadhar.
  • To get all details updates about West Bengal Student Credit Card You must read or download User Manual – Click Here.

Please keep the following documents with you before registration process.

(a) Colour Photograph of the applicant (should be in .jpeg / .jpg between 50 KB and 20 KB) (b)Colour Photograph of the co-applicant / co-borrower (should be in .jpeg / .jpg format, between 50 KB and 20 KB) (c)Signature of the student (should be in .jpeg / .jpg format, between 50 KB and 10 KB) (d)Co-borrower / Guardian’s signature (should be in .jpeg / .jpg, format, between 50 KB and 10 KB) (e)Student’s AADHAR Card (should be in .pdf format, between 400 KB and 50 KB)

(f)Student’s Class 10 + 2 Board registration certificate (if no AADHAR card) (should be in .pdf format between 400 KB and 50 KB) (g)Guardian’s Address Proof (should be in .pdf format between 400 KB and 50 KB) ● (h)Admission Receipt (should be in .pdf between 400 KB and 50 KB) (i)Student’s PAN Card / undertaking if there is no PAN Card (should be in .pdf format between 400 KB and 50 KB) (j)Guardian’s PAN Card / undertaking if there is no PAN Card (should be in .pdf format between 400 KB and 50 KB) ● (k)Relevant page of the brochure / document detaining course fee / tuition fee (should be in .pdf format between 400 KB and 50 KB)

Twitter Video about West Bengal Student Credit Card


<<Click Here>> to Download above Wb Student Credit Card Scheme PDF


Documents required to apply for the WB Student Credit Card Scheme

  • Proof of Address.
  • Family Income Certificate.
  • 12th Class Marks Sheet.
  • The Document for enrolled or selected for enrollment for pursuing higher education.
  • Identity Proof Both Parents ans Student (Aadhaar Card / PAN card / Passport Copy.
  • Bank Account Number.
  • Bank Account Statement{Last Six Months}.
  • Filed Application from.

WB Student Credit Card Scheme Details in 2021

Scheme WB Student Credit Card
Issuing Authority West Bengal Government
Year 2021
Announce By Honorable CM Mamata Banerjee
Cabinet Approval 24/06/2021
Online Application Start From 30/06/2021
Official Site banglaruchchashiksha.wb.gov.in,wbscc.wb.gov.in,www.wb.gov.in {Link Will Activated on 30/06/2021}
Scheme Key Benefits Provide 10 lakh rupees for student higher studies
Document Required Aadhar,Resident,Bank Account Etc , Details provide below
WB Student Credit Card Apply Online

Download TMC Manifesto Document File or Book where all details are share about Student Credit Card in West Bengal <<Click Here>>

আধার কার্ডের সঙ্গে রেশন কার্ডের লিঙ্ক কিভাবে করবেন অনালাইনে দেখতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন


Student credit card west Bengal criteria ?{“স্টুডেন্ট ক্রেডিট কার্ড” নিয়ে যাবতীয় তথ্য }

  1. ২৪/০৬/২০২১ তারিখে রাজ্য মন্ত্রিসভার বৈঠকে ১০ লক্ষ টাকার স্টুডেন্ট ক্রেডিট কার্ডের অনুমোদন করা হয়েছে।
  2. এর ফলে উপকৃত হবেন রাজ্যের কয়েক লক্ষ ছাত্র ছাত্রীরা।
  3. রাজ্যের পড়ুয়াদের উচ্চশিক্ষায় সহজশর্তে ঋণ পাবেন ।
  4. স্টুডেন্ট ক্রেডিট কার্ড প্রকল্প আগামী ৩০ জুন থেকে শুরু হচ্ছে।
  5. অনলাইনে আবেদন করা যাবে ।
  6. আবেদনের লিঙ্ক এখানে দিয়ে দেওয়া হবে ।
  7. দশম শ্রেণী থেকে পড়ুয়ারা উচ্চশিক্ষার জন্য ১০ লক্ষ টাকা পর্যন্ত ব্যাঙ্ক ঋণ পাবেন।
  8. রাজ্য সরকার ওই ঋণের গ্যারান্টার হবে।
  9. সর্বোচ্চ ৪০ বছর বয়সীরা আবেদন করতে পারবেন।
  10. আবেদন করতে পারবেন রাজ্যে ১০ বছর ধরে স্থায়ীভাবে বসবাস করছেন এমন পরিবার ।
  11. চাকরি হওয়ার পর ১ বছর পর ১৫ বছরের মধ্যে ওই ঋণ ফেরত দিতে হবে।
  12. নোটিশ শ্রীঘরই দেওয়া হবে।

WB Student Credit Card Apply Online


YouTube Video

WB Student Credit Card Apply Onlineঃ- এই স্কিম লঞ্চ হচ্ছে আগামী ৩০ তারিখে ,সেই দিন অনালাইনে আবেদন লিঙ্ক সঙ্গে নোটিশ এবং আরও আপডেট সামনে আসবে। আপনরা সেই সমস্ত আপডেট এখানে ক্লিক করেও দেখে নিতে পারবেন এবং নোটিশ আসলে সেটাও ডাউনলোড করে নিতে পারবেন।


How to apply for student credit card West Bengal ?

On 30/06/2021 an online portal will launch by govt of wb.where you able to apply for this scheme.We provide portal link as soon as we get.

When WB Student Credit Card Online application starting ?

From June 30th Online application for student credit will be activated by govt of west Bengal.

How mush money will i get from this WB Student Credit Card?

10 lakh rupees .

Repayment process for this WB Student Credit Card?

After 1 year you getting job,you should be pay this about in 15 years .

Interest rate for this student credit card in WB ?

4% .

Minimum residency requirement for this credit card is ?

Minimum Last 10 years resident of West Bengal .

Student credit card west Bengal criteria ?

10 years resident of WB,Maximum 40 years age student can apply etc.


  1. Being a PG student, my quarry is if I apply for the Student Credit Card Loan and submit the Form, once I get the card will my Loan interest counting will start immediately or else after starting to draw the amount the interest counting will start.
    Also amount can be withdrawn multiples time or at a time only.
    Expecting your valued feedback in this matter.

    • Interest count from Time of withdraw the money ,,,,
      Money will be withdrawal as per institution format,either it will ones in year or multiple times in a year


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