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WB Upper Primary merit List- Here you find wbssc WBb upper primary merit list.The School Service Commission is going to publish the detailed merit list of more than 14,000 upper primary teacher posts today, Wednesday, following the order of the court.upper primary merit list 2023. The High Court directed the SSC Commission to register the complaints of the litigants. Chairman of the commission Siddharth Majumder said,
“With the permission of the court, the next hearing will be held on August 30 after the publication of the merit list within a week. If anyone has any objection to the list, he can inform the court. Then if the court permits, we will start counselling.“
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WBSSC Upper Primary Recruitment
- উচ্চপ্রাথমিকে বিজ্ঞাপিত মােট শূন্যপদ হল ১৪,৩৩৯ টি।
- আগের ইন্টারভিউয়ে ১২৭৯২ জন উপস্থিত ছিলেন।
- তার মধ্যে অবশ্য পরে ২৩৩ জনকে বাদ দেওয়া হয়।
- নতুন করে ২১ অক্টোবর থেকে ১১টি বিষয়ে ১৫৮৭ চাকরিপ্রার্থীর ইন্টারভিউের জন্য নোটিশ জারি হয়(কোর্টের নির্দেশানুসারে)।
- ১৪,৩৩৯ শূন্যপদে দু’দফায় সব মিলিয়ে ইন্টারভিউ দিলেন প্রায় ১৪,০৭৫ জন।
The commission will also publish the (WB Upper Primary merit List) names of those who are on the waiting list. The next step after panel release is counseling and job recommendation letter. There is a court hearing on August 30 regarding the panel that is being published. Chairman of the commission Siddharth Majumder said, if there are no complaints or questions about the panel, we will ask the court for permission to start counselling.

This has resulted in the possibility of decommissioning the recruitment process which has been stalled for 8 years in higher primary. In that case, the school education department officials think that new teachers may be appointed in the school before Puja.
WB Upper Primary merit List,wbssc upper primary merit list,upper primary merit list 2023

upper primary teachers will be appointed through the School Service Commission. In order to keep the recruitment process transparent, various personal information of the job seekers like, secondary-higher secondary marks, educational qualification, marks obtained in TET, roll number, name of the job seekers will be mentioned. This information will be published below the name and roll number of each job seeker. Even though the panel was released on Wednesday, the SSC authorities could not say anything about when the process of handing over the appointment letters to the job seekers will start. They said, it is not in our hands.
There are 13,339 names in the merit list. The number of vacancies is 14,339. But in 2016, 1000 qualified trained candidates were not found in various departments at the time of application. Along with the name, there is a mention of how many marks a certain candidate has got in the secondary and higher secondary-including other exams, the interview of 10 marks and the TET marks of 40 marks in the 50 marks of the academic score. This information will be published below the name and roll number of each job seeker.
This recruitment process was notified in 2014. In 2016, the result of TET was released. The commission released the panel for recruitment of upper-primary in 2020. But a case was filed in the High Court on allegations of irregularities in that panel. The High Court ordered to start the recruitment process afresh. The second round of recruitment process started in 2021. Even after the interview, many complications were going on for so long.
After the education minister’s announcement in the assembly on Tuesday, the chairman of the commission, Siddharth Majumder, also said this. On this day, he said, the merit list will be published on Wednesday afternoon. Incidentally, if this merit list is proved to be correct, the court will give permission to start recruitment. The next hearing is on August 30.
উচ্চ প্রাথমিক স্কুলের শিক্ষকের নিয়োগ প্রক্রিয়া কবে শেষ হবে?
নতুন করে এই প্রক্রিয়ায় নিয়ে যদি আর কোনও জটিলতা তৈরি না হয়, তাহলে যেভাবে খবর সামনে আসছে তাতে মনে করা হচ্ছে নতুন শিক্ষা বর্ষে অর্থাৎ জানুয়ারি মাসে ,2024 সালে এই উচ্চ প্রাথমিক স্কুলের শিক্ষকের নিয়োগ প্রক্রিয়া শেষ হবে!
দুই দফা মিলিয়ে মোট কত জনের ইন্টারভিউয় নেওয়া হল?
১৪,৩৩৯ শূন্যপদে দু’দফায় সব মিলিয়ে ইন্টারভিউ নেওয়া হয়েছে প্রায় ১৪০৭৫ জনের।
উচ্চ প্রাথমিকের বর্তমান শূন্য পদ কত ঘোষণা করেছে কমিশন?
উচ্চপ্রাথমিকে বিজ্ঞাপিতে মােট ১৪,৩৩৯টি শূন্যপদের কথা আগেই ঘোষণা করেছে কমিশন।