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wbp constable cut off marks 2021:- Today we discuss about recently conducted wbp constable exam.Here we discuss all details updates like wbp constable cut off marks,Answer key,Merit list.West Bengal Police Constable/Lady Constable exam has successfully conducted on 26 September 2021 by West Bengal Police Recruitment Board (WBPRB) .Here we discuss expected cut off for 2021 wbp constable exam.
Official answer key, Cut-off, Merit list download links can be checked online from the official website of the department.The Official Website link is .After the exam candidates are awaiting for the result.All information related to the {wbp constable recruitment}cut-off marks, answer key, merit list and result will be shared in this article.
wbp constable cut off marks 2021
West Bengal Police Recruitment Board (WBPRB) has recently and sucecesfully conducted the Constable(including Lady Excise Constable) in the Subordinate Excise Service under Finance Department, Govt. of West Bengal, 2019,exam all over the West Bengal on 26th September. According to notice the total number of Vacancies for these Posts was 7440 Posts.
Here we discuss {wbp constable cut off marks 2021} expected WB Police Constable Cut Off 2021 is available to check for General, OBC, SC, ST.As the Written exam conducted by WBPRB recently so candidates may wait for some more days for Official Answer key and Cut off Marks.

Exam Name | Recruitment to the Post of Excise Constable(including Lady Excise Constable) |
Board Name | West Bengal Police Recruitment Board (WBPRB) |
State | West Bengal |
Written Exam Date | 26/09/2021 |
Vacancy | 7440 |
Result Date | Expected end of November 2021 or the beginning of December 2021. |
Official Site | |
After exam it is very important to know the exact cut off marks.The candidates should know that the cut-off marks which are different for every category and even different for male and female and is listed category-wise.
Till now the official Cut-off marks for WB police constable is not out.So here we given an idea from our past memory and recent exam question.
- The estimated cut-off marks are as under-
- For GEN–UR{General category} the expected cut-off marks for Males are 35-40 and for Females are 30-35.
- For OBC A{Other backward classes -A} the expected cut-off marks for Males are 30-34 and for Females are 26-29.
- For OBC B{Other backward classes -B} the expected cut-off marks for Males are 30-35 and for Females are 25-30.
- For SC{Scheduled caste category} the expected cut-off marks for Males are 26-30 and for Females are 22-27.
- For ST{Scheduled tribe category} the expected cut-off marks for Male are 22-25 and for Females are 19-24.
WB Police Constable result Answer key
Click Here to read and Download Solve wbp Constable/Lady Constable result Answer key
Note:- Again remember that the cut-off marks are show/discuss here are not any official updates.Here we discuss {wbp constable cut off marks 2021 } to give you an idea only.The official cut-off are available in official site and the day of result day. Candidates can check it on the official website only. Cut-off marks displays the minimum marks that a candidate should score to get qualified in the selection round.
wbp Constable/Lady Constable Selection procedure/Process of Selection
- A. Prelims Exam-Written exam.
- B. Physical Measurement Test-PMT.
- C. Physical Efficiency Test-PET.
- D.Final Written Examination.
- E. Interview.
- F. Medical Exam.
WB Police Constable result Answer key

West Bengal Police Cut Off Marks 2019
Category | Pre-Exam Cut Off Marks | Main-Exam Cut Off Marks | Merit List Cut Off Marks |
General | 22 | 38 | 56 |
OBC-A | 21 | 37.75 | 53.67 |
OBC-B | 16 | 36 | 44.92 |
SC | 18 | 37.5 | 49.17 |
ST | 14 | 32 | 4108 |
When will be the result out for this year WBP Constable/Lady Constable Written Exam?
Expected date for the result out for this year WBP Constable/Lady Constable Written Exam is last week of November or first week of December 2021.
What is the Previous Year Cut Off Marks of West Bengal Constable Examination?
We have already discuss here,just vist this post you can get and idea about the Previous Year Cut Off Marks of West Bengal Constable Examination .
What will be the WB Police Expected Cut-Off Marks for SC / ST Category?
SC- Males are 26-30 and for Females are 22-27 & ST- Male are 22-25 and for Females are 19-24.
What are the Expected Cut-Off Marks for WBP Constable OBC B Category?
Expected Cut-Off Marks for WBP Constable OBC B Category are for Males are 30-35 and for Females are 25-30.
What are the Expected Cut-Off Marks for WBP Constable OBC A Category?
Expected Cut-Off Marks for WBP Constable OBC B Category are for Males are 30-34 and for Females are 26-29.
Question no 23
Option A wrong