Homewbssc news842 জনের চাকরি বাতিল! সুপারিশপত্র ছাড়ায় চাকরি !১০দিনের মধ্যে ওয়েটিং থেকে নিয়োগ!...

842 জনের চাকরি বাতিল! সুপারিশপত্র ছাড়ায় চাকরি !১০দিনের মধ্যে ওয়েটিং থেকে নিয়োগ! wbssc group c cancelled list,Very big news

wbssc group c cancelled list- চাকরি যাচ্ছে আরও ৮৪২ জনের! এ বার গ্রুপ সি কর্মীদের, নির্দেশ দিলেন বিচারপতি গঙ্গোপাধ্যায়! বিচারপতি গঙ্গোপাধ্যায়ের নির্দেশ, আজ থেকেই স্কুলে ঢুকতে পারবেন না এই গ্রুপ-সি কর্মীরা। শনিবার দুপুর ১২টার মধ্যে বিজ্ঞপ্তি জারি করে চাকরির সুপারিশপত্র বাতিল করতে হবে এসএসসি-কে। গ্রুপ-সি পদে ৭৮৫ জনের চাকরির সুপারিশপত্র বাতিল করতে স্কুল সার্ভিস কমিশন (এসএসসি)-কে নির্দেশ দিলেন কলকাতা হাই কোর্টের বিচারপতি অভিজিৎ গঙ্গোপাধ্যায়। সেই সঙ্গে বাতিল করতে বললেন, সুপারিশপত্র ছাড়াই নিয়োগপত্র পাওয়া ৫৭ জনের চাকরি।

WBSSC finally published two notification according to court order. The SSC authority has released the list of names of 57 Group-C workers who are alleged to have been given jobs without a recommendation letter long before the deadline given by Justice Gangopadhyay! WBBSC also publication of names of 785 recommended Gr-C candidates of 3rd RLST, 2016(NT) in compliance to the order of Hon’ble Justice Abhijit Gangopadhyay, High court, Calcutta dated 10.03.2023 in WPA 12266 of 2021.

Incidentally, there were allegations that 785 people were illegally recruited in Group C posts in the school Later, the School Service Commission (School Service Commission) accepted the illegal appointment of these job candidates in the court. After that, Justice Gangopadhyay asked the School Service Commission to publish the list in this regard The commission has already published that list.According to news in due course this wbssc group c cancelled list will published in the site.

wbssc group c cancelled list!

About 800 people are likely to lose their jobs in Group C recruitment in schools today! The School Service Commission had already accepted the complaint (Group C Recruitment Scam) in the recruitment of 785 people. On Friday, another 57 people were charged with illegal recruitment Calcutta High Court Justice Abhijit Gangopadhyay has asked for all the information on this Job can be canceled today .

More than 800 job candidates are likely to be canceled on Friday in the case related to the Group C Recruitment Scam in schools. The fact that 785 of these job candidates were illegally recruited was already clear in the Calcutta High Court.A further 57 names came up in Friday’s hearing In view of that, Justice Abhijit Gangopadhyay ordered to submit the documents related to the appointment of 785 people including those 57 people. The judge ordered to submit the information by 3 pm today After that he will give final instructions on this.

wbssc group c cancelled list! (file image)
wbssc group c cancelled list
wbssc group c cancelled list! (file image)

In compliance with the direction of Hon’ble Justice Abhijit Gangopadhyay, High Court, Calcutta, dated 10.03.2023 in WPA 12266 of 2021, the details of 57 candidates (recommendation details as received from other sources) in connection with 3rd Regional level Selection Test (NT), 2016 (for Gr-C posts) have been published in the website of West Bengal Central School Service Commission on 10.03.2023.

In compliance with the direction of Hon’ble Justice Abhijit Gangopadhyay, High Court, Calcutta,
dated 10.03.2023 in WPA 12266 of 2021, the details of 785 recommended candidates in connection with 3rd Regional level Selection Test (NT), 2016 (for Gr-C posts) have been published in the website of West Bengal Central School Service Commission on 10.03.2023.




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