HomeWB EMPLOYEE & TEACHERS West Bengal govt calendar 2024,West Bengal Government Holiday Calendar 2024,very big...

[calendar] West Bengal govt calendar 2024,West Bengal Government Holiday Calendar 2024,very big good news

West Bengal govt calendar 2024(West Bengal Government Holiday Calendar 2024)- Here we provide WB govt holiday calendar for 2024. You can easily download this calendar from below link. Here all govt emoployee can see and download PDF of “West Bengal govt calendar 2024/West Bengal Government Holiday Calendar 2024”.

Here we share West Bengal Holiday List 2023.you can download this WB Govt Holiday List 2024 Calendar file from below download link. Shortly we also provide West Bengal school holiday list 2024 in PDF and Image format ,here you find that link. Finance Department has already published a notice vide memo no-6112-F(P2) regarding List of holidays for the year 2024.You can download official holiday file from here.


West Bengal govt calendar 2024(West Bengal Government Holiday Calendar 2024)

1st JanuaryNew Year’s Day
12th JanuaryBirthday of Swami Vivekananda
23rd JanuaryBirthday of Netaji
26th JanuaryRepublic Day
13th FebruaryDay before Saraswati Puja
14th FebruarySaraswati Puja
26th FebruarySab-e-Barat
8th March Shibaratri
25th MarchDoljatra
26th MarchDay after Doljatra
29th MarchGood Friday:
10th AprilDay before Eid-ul-Fitr
11th AprilEid-ul-Fitr
1st MayMay Day-
8th MayBirthday of Rabindranath Tagore
23rd MayBuddha Purnima
17th June Eid-ul-Azha
17th July Muharram
15th AugustIndependence Day
19th August Rakhi Bandhan
26th AugustJanmastami:
16th SeptemberFetcha-Dwaz-Daham
2nd OctoberBirthday of Gandhiji/Mahalaya
7th OctoberMaha Chaturthi-
8th October Maha Panchami
9th OctoberMaha Shashthi
10th OctoberMaha Saptami
11th OctoberMaha Astami & Maha Nabami
12th October Dasami
14th OctoberAdditional Day for Durga Puja
15th OctoberAdditional Day for Durga Puja
16th October Lakshmi Puja
17th October Additional Day for Lakshmi Puja
18th OctoberAdditional Day for Lakshmi Puja
31st OctoberKali Puja
1st November Additional Day for Kali Puja
4th NobemberDay after Bhratridwitiya
7th NovemberChhat Puja-
8th NovemberAdditional Day for Chhat Puja
15th NovemberBirth Day of Guru Nanak
25th DecemberChristmas Day
West Bengal govt calendar 2024(West Bengal Government Holiday Calendar 2024)
January February March
MonTueWedThuFriSatSun MonTueWedThuFriSatSunMonTueWedThuFriSatSun
1234567    1234     123
891011121314 56789101145678910
15161718192021 1213141516171811121314151617
22232425262728 1920212223242518192021222324
293031     26272829   25262728293031
April MayJune
MonTueWedThuFriSatSun MonTueWedThuFriSatSunMonTueWedThuFriSatSun
1234567   12345     12
891011121314 67891011123456789
15161718192021 1314151617181910111213141516
2930     2728293031   24252627282930
July AugustSeptember
MonTueWedThuFriSatSunMonTueWedThuFriSatSun MonTueWedThuFriSatSun
1234567    123430     1
891011121314567891011 2345678
15161718192021 121314151617189101112131415
22232425262728 1920212223242516171819202122
293031     262728293031 23242526272829
  October NovemberDecember
MonTueWedThuFriSatSun MonTueWedThuFriSatSunMonTueWedThuFriSatSun
 123456     1233031    1
78910111213 456789102345678
14151617181920 111213141516179101112131415
2122232425262718192021222324 16171819202122
28293031    252627282930 23242526272829
West Bengal govt calendar 2024,West Bengal Government Holiday Calendar 2024
MonthNo of Holidays
January 20244
February 20243
March 20244
Apr 20243
May 20243
June 20241
July 20242
August 20243
September 20241
October 202413
November 20245
December 20241
*A holiday for Karam Puja will be announced later. As a result, we can observe that the total number of holidays for the year 2024 is 44, except for Sundays & Saturday.

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD- “West Bengal govt calendar 2024(West Bengal Government Holiday Calendar 2024)”



Is WB Finance Department published 2024 Holiday list?

Yes,as on 09/11/2023 ,Circular / Memo / Order No. ,Finance Department has already published notification.

List of holidays for the year 2024 memo no is?

Circular / Memo / Order No. 6112-F(P2)),dated 09/11/2023.

How many continued days of holiday during Durga Puja to Lakshmi Puja in 2024 Govt Holiday List?

There are 13 continued days of holidays during Durga Puja and Lakshmi Puja 2024. If we include one Saturday on 19th October, the total number of continued holidays becomes 15 days.

Disclaimer: This is not the official Government Calendar for the year 2024. But it follows the official government holiday list of the West Bengal Government.



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