HomeWB EMPLOYEE & TEACHERSWest Bengal govt holiday list 2024 PDF,WB govt holiday list 2024, West...

[PDF]West Bengal govt holiday list 2024 PDF,WB govt holiday list 2024, West Bengal govt calendar 2024

West Bengal govt holiday list 2024 PDF,WB govt holiday list 2024, West Bengal govt calendar 2024

No. 6112-F(P2)                                                       Howrah, the 9th November, 2023


In exercise of the power conferred by the explanation to Section 25 of the Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881 (XXVI of 1881), read with Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Notification No.20/25/56-pub(l) dated the 8″June, 1957, the Governor is pleased to declare the days as specified at List I below to be Public Holidays during the year 2024.

  1. The Governor is also pleased to notify that the offices under the Government of West Bengal
    with the exception of the offices of the Registrar of Assurances, Kolkata and Collector of the Stamp Revenue, Kolkata shall be closed on the days as specified at List II below which are not declared to be public holidays, during the year 2024.
  2. Further, the Governor is pleased to declare that the days as specified at List Ill may be observed
    as Sectional Holidays in the year 2024 for the employees of different communities mentioned against the day.

West Bengal govt calendar 2024

January February March
MonTueWedThuFriSatSun MonTueWedThuFriSatSunMonTueWedThuFriSatSun
1234567    1234     123
891011121314 56789101145678910
15161718192021 1213141516171811121314151617
22232425262728 1920212223242518192021222324
293031     26272829   25262728293031
April MayJune
MonTueWedThuFriSatSun MonTueWedThuFriSatSunMonTueWedThuFriSatSun
1234567   12345     12
891011121314 67891011123456789
15161718192021 1314151617181910111213141516
2930     2728293031   24252627282930
July AugustSeptember
MonTueWedThuFriSatSunMonTueWedThuFriSatSun MonTueWedThuFriSatSun
1234567    123430     1
891011121314567891011 2345678
15161718192021 121314151617189101112131415
22232425262728 1920212223242516171819202122
293031     262728293031 23242526272829
  October NovemberDecember
MonTueWedThuFriSatSun MonTueWedThuFriSatSunMonTueWedThuFriSatSun
 123456     1233031    1
78910111213 456789102345678
14151617181920 111213141516179101112131415
2122232425262718192021222324 16171819202122
28293031    252627282930 23242526272829
West Bengal govt calendar 2024,West Bengal Government Holiday Calendar 2024
West Bengal govt calendar 2024
West Bengal govt calendar 2024

List-I (Public Holidays in 2024 under the N. I. Act)

Birth Day of Swami Vivekananda12th January, Friday
Netaji’s Birth Day23rd January, Tuesday
Republic Day26th January, Friday
Saraswati Puja [Sree Panchami]14th February, Wednesday
Doljatra25th March, Monday
Good Friday29th March, Friday
Eid-Ul-Fitr11th April, Thursday
May Day1st May, Wednesday
Birth Day of Rabindranath Tagore8th  May, Wednesday
Buddha Purnima23rd May, Thursday
Id-Ud-Zoha (Bakrid)17th June, Monday
Muharram17th July, Wednesday
Independence Day15th August, Thursday
Birth Day of Gandhiji2nd October, Wednesday
Mahalaya2nd October, Wednesday
Durga Puja, Maha Saptami10th October, Thursday
Durga Puja, Maha Astami and Maha Nabami11th October, Friday
(**) Durga Puja, Dasami12th October, Saturday
Lakshmi Puja16th October, Wednesday
Kali Puja31st October, Thursday
Birth Day of Guru Nanak15th November, Friday
Christmas Day25th December, Wednesday
West Bengal govt holiday list 2024 PDF

WB govt holiday list 2024

MonthNo of Holidays
January 20244
February 20243
March 20244
Apr 20243
May 20243
June 20241
July 20242
August 20243
September 20241
October 202413
November 20245
December 20241
*A holiday for Karam Puja will be announced later. As a result, we can observe that the total number of holidays for the year 2024 is 44, except for Sundays & Saturday.

Yearly Closing of Bank Account  : 15t April (Monday) (for Banks only).

List-II (Holidays under the order of State Government in 2024)

New Year’s Day152 January, Monday
Day before Saraswati Puja13th February, Tuesday
Shab-e-Barat26th February, Monday
Shivaratri8th March, Friday
Day after Doljatra26th March, Tuesday
(**)Birth Day of Shri Shri Harichand Thakur(Madhu Krishna Troyodashi Tithi)6th April, Saturday
Day before Eid-Ul-Fitr10th April, Wednesday
(**)Birth Day of Poet Bhanu Bhakt for Darjeeling & Kalimpong District only13th July, Saturday
Rakhi Bandhan19th August, Monday
Janmastami26th August, Monday
Fateha-Dwaz-Daham16th September, Monday
Durga Puja, Maha Chaturthi7th October, Monday
Durga Puja, Maha Panchami8th October, Tuesday
Durga Puja, Maha Shashthi9th October, Wednesday
Additional Day for Durga Puja14th October, Monday
Additional Day for Durga Puja15th October, Tuesday
Additional Day for Lakshmi Puja17th October, Thursday
Additional Day for Lakshmi Puja18th October, Friday
Additional Day for Kali Puja1st November, Friday
Day after Bhratridwitiya4th November, Monday
Chhat Puja7th November, Thursday
Additional Day for Chhat Puja8th November, Friday
Karam PujaTo be notified later on
WB govt holiday list 2024

(#) Birth Day of Thakur Panchanan Barma falls on 14th February, Wednesday, which is a holiday under N. I. Act and therefore has not been shown separately in List-II.

(##) Birth Day of Pandit Raghunath Murmu falls on 23rd May, Thursday, which is a holiday under N. I. Act and therefore has not been shown separately in List-II.

(###) Birth Day of Birsa Munda falls on 15th November, Friday which is a holiday under N.I. Act and therefore has not been shown separately in List-II.

(####)Parshwanath’s Rathajatra falls on 15th November, Friday which is a holiday under N. I. Act and therefore has not been shown separately in List-II.

(#####) This year Doljatra and Holi fall on same day so ‘Noll’ is not shown separately in List II.

List-III (Sectional Holidays in 2024)

(**)Birthday of Guru Rabidas(for the followers of24th February, Saturday
Guru Rabidas) 
(**)Easter Saturday30th March (Saturday) [for Christians only]
West Bengal govt calendar 2024)

($$) Hul Diwas, Sectional Holiday [for Adivasi (Santhal) only ] on 30th June falls on Sunday which is a holiday under N.I. Act & therefore not shown separately in List III.

Note :

  1. Sundays are holidays under the Negotiable Instrument Act.
  2. In the year 2024, the following festivals/occasions fall on Sundays which are public Holidays under N. I. Act and hence have not been included in lists:
Birth Day of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar14th April, Sunday
Mahavir Jayanti215t April, Sunday
Rathayatra7th July, Sunday
Bhratridwitiya3rd November, Sunday
West Bengal govt calendar 2024)
  • The holiday with double asterisk marks i.e. (**) is applicable to those Government Offices only where Saturdays are not observed as full holiday.
  • General instructions as laid down hereunder are to be followed in case of Muslim festivals.


  1. No substitute holiday shall be allowed if any of the festival — holidays initially notified subsequently happens to fall on a weekly off or any other non-working day or in the event of more than one festival falling on the same day.
  2. If there is any change in the date of Eid-Ul-Fitr, Id-Ud-Zoha, Muharram, Fateha-Dwaz-Daham, Shab­e-Barat depending upon the sighting of the moon, holiday will be declared by a separate order for the date on which the festival would be actually observed in lieu of the date originally notified as holiday for this festival.
  3. It may happen that the change of date of above mentioned occasions has to be notified at a very short notice. In such a situation, announcement would be made through T.V. / A.I.R. / News Papers and Heads of Department / Offices of the State Government may take action according to such announcements without waiting for formal order about the change of date.

West Bengal govt holiday list 2024 PDF,WB govt holiday list 2024, West Bengal govt calendar 2024


Which government offices in West Bengal will be closed on specific days in 2024?

the offices under the Government of West Bengal
with the exception of the offices of the Registrar of Assurances, Kolkata and Collector of the Stamp Revenue, Kolkata shall be closed on the days as specified at List II below which are not declared to be public holidays, during the year 2024.

How many holidays are there in 2024?

Government employees of this state will get sixteen consecutive days off for Puja next year if Saturday-Sunday falls. In other words, Puja holiday will be extended by four days next year. This year it was 12 days. 16 days next year.

Details about 2024 govt holiday list?

The 2024 holiday list for state government employees was released by the finance department on Friday. It is seen there, the holiday of Durgo Puja starts from Chaturthi. That is, from Monday 7 October. Before that on October 5 and 6 Saturday-Sunday. Therefore, the Puja holiday of the workers is starting from the second. The office will open on October 21 after Lakshmi Puja. However, the list has been given leave till October 18.

Total holidays in 2024 wb govt holiday list?

According to the list, there will be 22 days of holidays in 2024 under the NI Act. 23 days of state government. That means a total of 45 days off in a year.



  1. It’s always helpful to have the holiday list for planning our year ahead. Thanks for sharing the West Bengal government holiday list for 2024 in PDF format. It makes scheduling vacations and special events much easier! 🗓️🎉 #WestBengal #HolidayList


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