{SOP}West Bengal school reopen guidelines pdf|covid guidelines for reopening of wb schools


West Bengal school reopen guidelines pdf:- Department of School Education Government of West Bengal,has published “Covid-19 general guidelines on reopening of schools”-West Bengal school reopen guidelines pdf. All offices, educational institutions, public transport, shopping malls, Entertainment plazas and tourist spots were temporarily shut down to stop the Spread of this epidemic. However, toward June 2020 with the improvement of Recovery rate, the governments have withdrawn the lock down phase wise and Decided to open many public activities.

Educational institutions however, Remain closed to ensure the safety of children and youth starting from primary Level to college and university level. Nonetheless, acknowledging the Worldwide threat of covid-19 and at the same time appreciating the need of Education as a continuous process, the school education department,Government of West Bengal has endeavoured to frame a comprehensive Guideline(administrative and academic) to impart safe and healthy institutional Education.

Keeping in mind the guidelines issued by the department of
Health& family welfare, govt. Of West Bengal, these guidelines have been Framed to help the school authorities and supervising officials face the Challenges with careful and essential planning. It is imperative for all Stakeholders to follow the guidelines before and after the institutions open, to Maintain a healthy and hygienic conditions in the schools.

Unless all Stakeholders comply with the mandates of this guideline, the aim of safe Classroom teaching will not be achieved. This guideline is segmented into Various aspects, considering the pre-opening and post- opening issues, and is Meant for various stakeholders. Relevant portions shall be shared with all Concerned, seeking strict compliance by all.

Below all covid guidelines for reopening of wb schools are provide ,you can download and read this PDF.

West Bengal school reopen guidelines pdf{Preparations during school hours}


  • At the time of entry and exit gathering should be avoided and social distancing should be strictly maintained.
  • A copy of Rules and guidelines shall be affixed on the gate, in such a way that is visible to all the guardians and students ( to be written /printed in large size) from outside.
  • No visitor or guardian shall be allowed inside.
  • There will be no assembly for prayer. Prayers shall be done in respective classes accompanied by the class teachers.
  • Students shall be advised to maintain social distance from each other and from all in the premises. They shall also be advised not to spit here & there and not to touch others’ books, copies, bags, tiffin etc. Sharing of tiffin and drinking water shall be strictly disallowed.
  • At the beginning of each day, there shall be ten minutes awareness on COVID protocol and the science behind it.

covid guidelines for reopening of wb schools

To read out more news and article and also download WBBPE & WBBSE notification regarding reopening of schools from 16/02/2022,just Click Here


  • School toilets and all common spaces shall be properly washed well before opening of the schools.
  • All students must mandatorily wear mask and carry own drinking water bottle.
  • Temperature checking should preferably be done before students get into respective classes.
  • Any student having fever or cold shall be sent back to home for necessary medical follow up until complete recovery. When their symptoms are suggesting COVID, such cases are to be reported to the concerned Medical Officers for follow up from their end.
  • All teachers, non-teaching staffs, must wear mask.
  • Students must be guided by teachers to practise best hand washing practice maintaining social distance.
  • Schools may consider appointing one or more class/section wise Health & Hygiene-Monitors from among the students on rotational basis so as to ensure that the prescribed norms of hygiene and social distancing are followed.


Detailed academic guidelines shall be framed by the concerned boards in consultation with expert committee as and when the institutions prepare to open.


Concerned boards shall formulate teaching module in consultation with expert committee to be followed by the teachers.

1.Group Activities like sports & cultural events may be discontinued for the time being.
2.Interactive and playful sessions like slogan writing on COVID protocol and quiz may be encouraged inside the class rooms inviting the participation of all.
3.Students may be asked to draw, write slogans on issues like COVID Protocol. They may be encouraged to aware their guardians and relatives on the matter.
covid guidelines for reopening of wb schools

ROLE OF TEACHERS-West Bengal school reopen guidelines pdf


To download this “West Bengal school reopen guidelines pdf”- Click Here


From When wb schools reopening?

West Bengal School is already open for class 8 to 12. Now Education department and Sate of West Bengal Govt has decided to open schools class for class pre primary to class from 16/02/2022.

Class Pre Primary to Class 7 class are open from ?

16/02/2022 ,in WB Pre Primary to Class 7 class are opening.

What is SOP{covid guidelines for reopening of wb schools} for wb schools reopening ?

Here we share SOP regarding wb schools reopening SOP{standard operating procedure}

Is Paray Sishkalaya discontinued?

Yes,as schools class are opening from 16/02/2022 for class pre primary to class 7. Now Education deportment has decided to discontinued Paray Sishkalaya Programmme.


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